In grape heaven.

Well, who’s smiling at us there with his southern Italian charm? None other than Antonio (left), son of Vito, nephew of Gianni, great-grandson of… another talented scion of the famous Giuliano family.

For generations, they have been devoted to growing the most delicious grape specialities. And if we say delicious, then this is the absolute understatement par excellence, because they are simply sweeter than sweet, lovelier than lovely, crispier than crisp – you simply get the urge kneel and sing enraptured with a mandolin in front of the Giuliano vines.

Antonio advises against it, though, because he’s probably afraid that the harvest might be damaged.

SanLucar vineyard with ripe grapes hanging from the vine, highlighting freshness, quality, and sustainable farming.
SanLucar vineyard with sun-kissed grapes on the vine, showcasing freshness, quality, and natural sweetness.

The dark and light seedless Scarlotta varieties he is looking at promise to be especially good. They’re 2 weeks early and nice and lush – and quite large.

“We didn’t use any growth regulators,” says Antonio. The Giulianos love it when everything is totally natural. They use stones to keep moisture in the soil to save water and use small insects to feed on the pests before they attack the grapes. Excellent – because that leaves much more for you. And Antonio even promises us fruit until well into December. That’s why we simply open our mouths with joy to snack and sing with our hearts instead.

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