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Get rid of those sweet pounds

Get rid of those sweet pounds

Slimming down can be quiet delicious

For the first time this year, I was on the scales. Oh, oh … Christmas and New Year’s Eve have not moved past me without a trace. Well, I could have noticed that my jeans suddenly pinched. But cookies, gingerbread, roast duck and fondue were just too tasty to resist!

In order to get rid of a few pounds quickly, I just schedule a fruit day in the near future and, in turn, eat fewer sweets. This is much easier, healthier and also more delicious than a crash diet.

The right choice of fruit is important: if fat is burned quickly and the metabolism is to be boosted, varieties with high vitamin C content and a lot of magnesium are ideal. Both of these make pounds melt away faster and provide extra energy and put you in a good mood! A lot of magnesium is also found in bananas. And in strawberries – these fruits deliver even more vitamin C than oranges! You can get fresh strawberries from SanLucar now!

Also many other berry fruits are also true slimming sensations, especially blackberries and raspberries. Mangos also provide a lot of magnesium and vitamins with a wonderful aroma.

I also love fresh pineapple. Not only does it taste great, it also contains a special enzyme that stimulates digestion and stimulates the metabolism. This miracle substance is called Bromelain.

Yummm, just the thought of crisp fresh fruit enjoyment I already feel a bit lighter!