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We’re snacking away the fat – with Mandarines!

We’re snacking away the fat – with Mandarines!

Are you as tired as we are of always having to do without something sweet, in order to get rid of those extra pounds that have been along for the ride for so long?


Then we have good news for you! Canadian researchers from the University of Western Ontario have reported in an article of the journal »Diabetes« that mandarines are true fat-killers. The reason: the delicious citrus fruit contains the plant substance Nobiletin, which prevents unpleasant fat from remaining in the liver. In addition, it additionally stimulates processes in our body that burn excess fat, which can help us to lose excess weight. Therefore: feel even freer to grab for the bright orange flavour bombs! Because when snacking, not only does the juicy sweet mandarine taste give your tongue a thrill – but brings you closer and closer to your bikini figure, as well!