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raspberries Fruit prevents heart attack and stroke

Good and Healthy

Sunny things for your body and soul.

Whether for getting healthy or for staying healthy, fruit and vegetables are genuine natural talents. People couldn’t live without vitamins and minerals, because they’re necessary for the formation of cells, blood cells, bones, strengthening the immune system and so much more. However, since our organism can’t produce vitamins and minerals itself, we have to absorb them through our diet. And you’ll be surprised at what fruit and vegetables can do for you, apart from being sweet and delicious.

A healthy diet at any age

A balanced and varied diet is an important basis for physical and mental health and performance. This is the only [...]

A healthy diet at any age

Fruit for diabetics?

Endless beneficial substances, but also sugar. How dangerous is fruit for diabetics? The delicious bite into a delicious piece of [...]

Fruit for diabetics?