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Cherries – Myths and Truth

Tips and Trends

Freshly picked.

Defy autumn with a help of chestnuts, design salads like Mandalas, discover avocado as a super-fruit, snack on berries that even Greenpeace likes… we looked around the large garden of fruit news and assembled a colourful basket for you.

Cherries – Myths and Truth

Don’t drink water after eating cherries! Watch out, if you swallow a pit. And there’s dangerous hydrocyanic acid in cherry [...]

Cherries – Myths and Truth

Greenpeace recommends our raspberries

The environmental protection organization Greenpeace has purchased raspberries and currants in several German supermarkets and tested them for pesticide exposure. [...]

Greenpeace recommends our raspberries

The Apple, jack of all trades

“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Everyone knows this, but what’s exactly behind it? Is the apple really [...]

The Apple, jack of all trades