Sunshine to savour.

Where do the most delicious citrus fruits actually grow? Well, right here with us! And that’s in Spain and South Africa, on our farms and with our Master Growers. But also in Morocco, Chile and Peru, for example.

So we can offer you juicy-sweet clementines, oranges, blood oranges, grapefruits and tangy lemons with an edible peel all year round.

But the most important thing is their taste. And that starts with the cultivation. We only select the best regions in the world for our tasty citrus varieties. There, the trees get everything they need for healthy growth – plenty of sunshine, fertile soil and an optimal, digitally calculated amount of irrigation. “So that our clementines can develop their delicious flavour, they are allowed to bask in the sun longer than usual,” says Javier, Master Grower in Valencia, Spain.

When the fruit has turned orange, we test the sugar content of the fruit. If this is perfect, harvest time begins. “We pick by hand and in several passes, so each fruit gets the time it needs to become sweet and juicy,” explains Javier. Trained pickers then sort out the fruit that doesn’t meet our quality standards. This is how you get the most delicious clementines – or as we say: sunshine to eat!

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