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Business and Sustainability Award

Business and Sustainability Award

(Valencia, Spain. 10th November 2021).- The premium fruit and vegetable brand SanLucar has earned the »Business and Sustainability Award« for its commitment and social responsibility.

This prize, promoted in Spain by Banco Sabadell and Levante-EMV newspaper, aims to recognise the good practices of the companies in the Spanish region of Valencia, based on ESG criteria (Environmental, Social and Governance).

In the category of »Social Responsibility« and out of more than 30 proposals submitted, the award went to SanLucar for the solidarity kitchen project »El Puchero« and »El Puchero Portuario« in the city of Valencia.

The initiative is managed by SanLucar and the association Coordinadora Solidaria de los Estibadores del Puerto de Valencia. »We are honoured to have received this award. Especially because it recognises the efforts of the solidarity kitchens »El Puchero« and »El Puchero Portuario«, where 500 people in vulnerable situations are cared for every day«, explains Stephan Rötzer, founder and owner of SanLucar.

»We want to share this Prize with our partners in the project, with the human team working in the two solidarity kitchens: From cooks, social workers and volunteers involved in the initiative. And of course, with all the companies and entities without whose donations and selfless collaboration we would not be able to provide service to the users. To all of them, my sincere thanks«, he adds.

El Puchero: Much more than a plate of food

In 2013, at the initiative of the founder of SanLucar, the first solidarity kitchen »El Puchero« was opened in the Valencian Orriols neighbourhood. Just 5 years later, the association Coordinadora Solidaria de los Estibadores del Puerto de Valencia joined the initiative, opening the doors of »El Puchero Portuario« in the district of El Marítimo in Valencia.

Through both solidarity kitchens, more than 500 people with limited resources or at risk of social exclusion receive a daily menu that is delivered in the form of a »takeaway meal«, with the aim of not breaking the habit of eating together as a family, and protecting the dignity of the users.

But »El Puchero« goes a step further, also offering social care to its users. The goal: to encourage their autonomy and to provide them with the necessary tools to enable them to be self-sufficient. Education is also promoted by organising workshops and offering free school support classes for the youngest children; the latter initiative is organised in collaboration with Fundación Iniciativa Social (Spanish Foundation). Many children have not been able to continue their studies during the pandemic because they do not have access to a computer or internet, and therefore cannot attend the online classes given during the months of lockdown.

About SanLucar

SanLucar is a global company that is dedicated to bringing people natural joy of life and health in a way it can be proud of. Offering a variety of more than 100 delicious fruits and vegetables from more than 35 countries, SanLucar is the brand with the broadest top-quality assortment in the German, Austrian and Dutch retail market. The portfolio also includes smoothies, fresh cut, as well as flowers and plants. Currently, SanLucar is expanding into Canada, Italy, England, Scandinavia, Poland, Ecuador, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa.

SanLucar, founded in 1993 by Stephan Rötzer, is headquartered in Valencia (Spain) with over 3,200 employees in Germany, Austria, Benelux, Italy, Spain, Ecuador, Dubai, South Africa, Morocco and Tunisia, both in its office branches and on its own farms. The philosophy »Taste in harmony with people and nature« is the foundation for all actions of SanLucar as well as the basis for many social and sustainable projects.

If you wish to receive more information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Sonia Gabarda Press Department SanLucar Fruit
Tel. (+34) 96142 40 40. Extension 2410