Disney’s animated classic “Snow White” with its touching characters is a sweet experience for young and old – just like the aromatic juicy mandarins, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, pineapples, mangos, apples, and avocados from SanLucar. With them, the grey season simply becomes sunnier!

From 14 November, enchanting Disney’s “Snow White” motifs will adorn the SanLucar packaging for citrus fruits and apples and Disney’s “Snow White” stickers the mangoes, pineapples, and avocados.

“Disney’s Snow White is such an enchanting classic film that you instantly fall in love with. Just like with our fruits!” laughs Nuria Pizán, Brand & Creative Director at SanLucar. “In any case, I’m sure that both adults and children, together with Disney’s “Snow White”, will really whet their appetite for our aromatic fruits to sweeten their winter.

For years now, the premium fruit and vegetable brand has been promoting healthy eating. For SanLucar, this is a cornerstone for a good life. “After all, taste and nutrition habits are already formed in the first years of life. And with the Disney cooperation, we want to make our fresh, delicious fruits really tasty for children,” says Nuria Pizán.

The Disney’s “Snow White” promotion can be staged at the POS like a fairy tale. For this purpose, SanLucar provides the retailers with attractive advertising materials such as top signs, display stands and sales folders. In addition, there is a profitable POS competition for the retailers on Facebok and all actions at the POS are accompanied by numerous social media posts of the SanLucar brand.
Moreover, there is also a sweet highlight on top for the end consumer: SanLucar is giving away 50 great Disney Channel fan packages and a trip to Spain for four people near Valencia with a visit to the SanLucar citrus finca.

About SanLucar.

SanLucar is a global company that is dedicated to bringing people natural joy of life and health in a way it can be proud of. Offering a variety of more than 100 delicious fruits and vegetables from more than 35 countries, SanLucar is the brand with the broadest top-quality assortment in the German, Austrian and Dutch retail market. The portfolio also includes smoothies, fresh cut, as well as flowers and plants and now also ice cream. Currently, SanLucar is expanding into Canada, Italy, England, Scandinavia, Poland, Ecuador, the Middle East and North Africa.

SanLucar, founded in 1993 by Stephan Rötzer, is headquartered in Valencia (Spain) with over 4,000 employees in Germany, Austria, Benelux, Italy, Spain, Ecuador, Dubai, South Africa, Morocco and Tunisia, both in its office branches and on its own farms. The philosophy “Taste in harmony with people and nature” is the foundation for all actions of SanLucar as well as the basis for many social and sustainable projects.

If you wish to receive more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Sonia Gabarda
Press Department SanLucar Fruit
Tel. (+34) 96142 40 40

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