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Sweet clementine curd

Sweet clementine curd

Have you got through all the feasting over the Christmas holidays? The snacking is not completely over with us yet – the next visit from the relatives is already at the door. And because it’s Christmas only once a year, you want to cook something delicious and a dessert is a must. Nevertheless, it mustn’t be too filling. You know the problem? Then we have just the recipe for you! Because our Clementine Curd is deliciously sweet, yet light – so go get your cooking spoon! 😉


  • 4 clementines
  • 250 g curd
  • 6 tbsp raisins
  • 2 tbsp chopped hazelnuts
  • 1 tbsp honey


Peel, the clementines and cut them into small pieces. Add curd to a bowl and mix with raisins, nuts and honey. Serve in small bowls. Bon Appetit!