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Rooted Zander

Rooted Zander

Here at SanLucar, we love to cook for our friends – after all, it’s well known that love’s quickest route is through the stomach. And to avoid always serving the same thing, we asked star chef Rolf Straubinger from Burg Staufeneck for some new appetizer ideas. »I’ve got an idea!« he just says. He knows how to keep us on edge. Stubborn as we are, we finally managed to elicit his recipe from him. His zander with roots and pear spirit is far too delicious to share with our friends. But that’s why we copied down for you immediately:



Rooted Zander – Zander with Roots and Pear Spirit
Appetizer for 4

4 pieces of zander (each 60-65g – with skin and scales/skin well-carved)
Heat 1l sunflower oil to 240° C
8 pieces of pickled oat root (sweet and sour)

Place the zander pieces on a grid with a drip tray. Pour the very hot sunflower oil in small quantities over the zander with a ladle. Repeat about 6-8 times until the scales are cracked and crispy. The zander is then cooked at 48° C core temperature until ready. Then season with coarse aniseed sea salt.

Black Salsify
16 pieces of cooked salsify

Cut the black salsify into 12 pieces about 3cm long and fry in nut butter.
Process the remaining salsify into a purée.

Black Salsify Purée (basic recipe)

250g cooked salsify sections (very soft)
50g white onions (strips)
100ml poultry stock
100ml cream
30g butter

Sauté the onions with butter without colour, add poultry stock and reduce until nearly dry. Fill with cream and boil briefly. Cook with the salsify once, then mix well.

Spicy Pears
12 pieces of SanLucar pear slices
20ml balsamic vinegar
100ml red wine
100ml port wine
200ml pear juice
½ clove
1/3 bay leaf
A pinch of cinnamon

Caramelise the sugar and deglaze with the red wine, port wine, balsamic vinegar and reduce. Fill with pear juice and reduce, as well. Pour the hot reduction onto the pear pieces and allow to soak in for about 24 hours.

Pear and Ginger Coulis
Basic Recipe

250g red onions (slices)
1 garlic
1 stick of lemongrass
50g of ginger (with skin/sliced)
50g brown sugar
200ml apple juice
25g honey
40g apple cider vinegar
150g ketchup
150g poultry stock
20g soy sauce
2 pears »SanLucar« (with skin /slices)
2 ripe tomatoes »SanLucar«

Fry the onion slices with the pressed garlic clove in some sunflower oil until glazed. Add brown sugar, ginger, lemon grass and honey. Then add the pear slices and let everything slightly brown. Deglaze with the vinegar, add apple juice and the poultry stock, soy sauce and tomato pieces.
Season with salt.
Simmer the sauce for about 20 minutes and then remove the lemongrass.
Mix briefly and then pass through a sieve.
Add some homemade SanLucar Opal applesauce, if desired, to taste.

Caramelised Hazelnut (12 pieces)
100g hazelnuts
30g of glucose (1:1)
10g of oil
Caramelise the nuts with the liquid sugar, when they have taken on a nice colour, give them dash of oil again to brown and then leave to cool on baking paper. Colour them with edible gold powder.
Place the zander with all the ingredients decoratively on the plate.
As a garnish, marinated small lamb’s lettuce leaves, the pickled oat root and hazelnut root powder.

Foto© Philipp Sedlacek 2017

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