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Avocado tomato salad

Avocado tomato salad

Here at SanLucar, we really appreciate every fruit and every vegetable on its own. And in the end, you cannot compare apples with pears. But sometimes it’s worth trying fruits together at the same time instead of always by themselves. Because when delicacies form a duet with one another, very good things happen. That’s the case with our Avocado Tomato Salad. Individually they are already a sensation – so refreshingly juicy and so creamy soft! But together in the salad, they become a true masterpiece that you shouldn’t miss at any cost. Are you getting hungry? Then get the vegetables and off you go! Here is the recipe:


  • 4 SanLucar Tomatoes
  • 1/2 SanLucar Lemon
  • 3 ripe SanLucar Avocados
  • 5 leaves SanLucar Iceberg Salad
  • 2 spring onions
  • 4 tbsp SanLucar Arbequina Olive Oil
  • 1 pinch of sugar
  • Salt & pepper


Wash tomatoes, remove stalks and cut into slices. Squeeze half lemon. Peel the avocados, quarter and remove the pits. Cut into slices and sprinkle with half the lemon juice. Add the tomato and the iceberg salad to a bowl. Wash the spring onions and cut into fine rings. Add to salad. Mix the remaining lemon juice with olive oil, salt, sugar and pepper to make a dressing. Pour over the salad and mix.