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Tomatoes à la caprese

Tomatoes à la caprese

Yesterday, when the weather was so nice, our friends spontaneously invited us over to a cosy evening on the balcony. We brought a nice bottle of red wine and they fixed something to eat. Just a light meal – after all, you aren’t usually all that hungry with such high temperatures. But after delicious Tomatoes à la Caprese, the hunger set in. Luckily, we were allowed to copy down the recipe right away. We couldn’t get enough of it – and we believe you’ll agree!


  • 60g sun-dried tomatoes
  • 4 SanLucar Tomatoes
  • 300g mozzarella
  • 50g pesto
  • 60g olive paste
  • Salt & pepper


Soak the dried tomatoes for in warm water for 10 minutes. Quarter the fresh tomatoes, deseed and cut them into small cubes. Puree the dried tomatoes in the blender and mix with the tomato cubes in a bowl. Cut the mozzarella into thin slices. Pour the tomato mixture, the mozzarella slices, the pesto and the olive paste alternately in the glasses in layers. Season with salt and pepper, turn over onto a plate and serve.

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