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Juicy melon skewers

Juicy melon skewers

Know the situation? Good friends invite you over to their spontaneous barbeque party, and of course, you want bring a special little treat to the feast. From our large variety of melons, we suggest you use our Piel de Sapo with this recipe. Its sweet flesh harmonizes perfectly with ham and tomato. What do you think – does the recipe with a SanLucar Galia or Cantaloupe Melon taste just as good?


  • 1 SanLucar Piel de Sapo Melon
  • 250 g of Mozzarella balls
  • 300 g of Parma ham (of course, a different kind of ham is fine)
  • 250 g SanLucar Nibbling Tomatoes


Gently remove the flesh from the melon and cut into cubes. Skewer the melon cubes, ham, Mozzarella balls, cherry tomatoes, one after another. Place on one of the hollowed-out melon halves. Tip: To ensure that the melon halves do not fall over, simply cut a piece from the bottom.