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Tangy & fresh: Lemonade

Tangy & fresh: Lemonade

Spring has arrived in Germany. The weather frog has climbed the shoots and hopefully has finally thrown off its winter scarf. I’m going to banish the teapot from my desk and replace it with a pitcher of delicious lemonade. Here comes the simple 3-Ingredient recipe for the syrup base, which guarantees that the corners of your mouth will move further upwards.


  • 3 lemons
  • 75 g of sugar
  • 250 ml of water


Squeeze all the lemons completely and grate the peels. Heat water, lemon juice, grated peel and sugar in a pot, bring to a boil and reduce. After cooling, strain the peel pieces with a colander.
For the lemonade, dilute the resulting syrup as desired with carbonated water. Mint leaves go beautifully with the refreshing lemonade.