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Strawberry Cream Pie: Say thanks on Mother's Day

Strawberry Cream Pie: Say thanks on Mother’s Day

When my mother offers to bake a cake, I know exactly what I want. Only she can bake my favourite cake – and exactly how I love it. On Sunday is Mother’s Day and that’s why it’s my turn. I chose an uncomplicated strawberry cake. This one is delicious and fruity and turns out perfect, even if you haven’t followed in your mother’s baking footsteps.





  • 400 g SanLucar Strawberries
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g of lean curd
  • 140 g of sugar
  • 2 packs of vanilla sugar
  • 200 ml of whipping cream
  • ½ pack of whipping cream stiffener
  • 1 stem of SanLucar Mint


Separate the eggs. Beat the egg yolks with 90 g sugar and 1 packet of vanilla sugar until frothy. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Fold the flour and egg whites into the sugar-egg mass. Place in a baking tin and bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes. Mix the curd with 50 g and 1 packet of vanilla sugar. Whip the cream with a cream stiffener until stiff. Slowly fold into the curd mass. Wash the strawberries, puree 300g and mix with the curd cream mass. Spread evenly over the cooled cake base. Garnish with the remaining strawberries and mint leaves. Allow to rest for 2 hours in the refrigerator and enjoy it together with the best mother in the world.