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Valencian summer: Bell pepper esgarraet

Valencian summer: Bell pepper esgarraet

Are you longing for warmth, sunshine and the Mediterranean feeling? You don’t have to board a plane for this. We have a recipe for you here, which brings you right to the Spanish town of Valencia – at least in terms of flavour.

Because the delicately grilled bell pepper finely seasoned with garlic, salt and pepper in the finest olive oil is a typical Valencian dish. Soak in the flavour and enjoy your culinary trip!


  • 1 bowl of SanLucar Rainbow Peppers
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 5 tbsp SanLucar Picual Olive Oil
  • Salt & pepper


Grill the colourful bell peppers from both sides until the skin bubbles. Remove the skin and remove core structure. Cut the peppers into fine strips. Briefly braise the chopped garlic in olive oil. Mix garlic and oil with the pepper strips. Season with salt and pepper.

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