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Duck's right – Everything's right

Duck’s right – Everything’s right

This duck actually has it good! Star Chef Rolf Straubinger has come up with an idea of how to perfectly present a delicately roasted seasoned duck – from both a culinary and visual point of view. And, naturally, he serves up what autumn has to offer: from spicy Brussels sprouts, aromatic pumpkin to crispy-sweet Opal Apples. Forget the grey season! Autumn is both colourful and delicious with this sophisticated appetizer recipe.

Appetizer for 4 people

2 Barbary duck breasts (parried, skin finely cut crosswise)
4 fake duck liver mushrooms 80 g pumpkin/Opal® Apple Chutney
80 g of pumpkin puree
16 Brussels sprouts leaves (blanched)
40 g pumpkin oil tapioca
12 slices of Opal® Apple thin)
8 sponge gourd seasoning salt

Duck Liver Mushroom

250 g of chicken liver
15 g of butter
20 g of shallots, in strips
25 g of apple, in slices, without core and peeled
15 g Madeira
15 g Calvados
15 g port wine, red
1/8 l dark veal stock
3 ½ leaves of gelatine (soaked)
65 g whipped cream
Pâté spice, sea salt, nutmeg, pepper
Brown the chicken liver in brown butter. Add the shallots and apple and also sauté, deglaze with alcohol and reduce. Add the stock and reduce by about half. Add the milk and season to taste with sea salt, nutmeg, pâté spice and pepper. Puree the soaked gelatine in a blender. Put on ice, cool and stir until 20° C and fold in the whipped cream. Fill the finished mousse into silicone mushroom moulds and allow to coagulate.

Pumpkin Chutney

30 ml of olive oil
50 g red onions
½ clove of garlic
30 g brown sugar
1 chili pepper of chilli powder
1 teaspoon tomato paste
30 ml apple cider vinegar
200 g muskat pumpkin, in pieces
40 g apples, in pieces
40 g pears, in pieces
50 g of yellow bell peppers, peeled, in pieces
50 g red bell peppers, peeled, in pieces
100 g pineapple
30 g mango sea salt
1 tsp ginger, grated
Half of a bay leaf, half star anise
1 clove, ground pepper

Heat the olive oil, sauté the onions with garlic and chilli pepper, allow to lightly gain colour, add sugar and chilli powder. Stir in tomato paste, deglaze with vinegar. Then add vegetables, fruits and sea salt. Simmer for approx. 30 minutes. Add the spices in the last 15 minutes. If the chutney gets too dry, you may want to add a small amount of water. Remove the spices and roughly chop the chutney or mix with a hand blender. Perhaps taste again. Fill into glasses.

Duck Breasts

Slowly fry duck breasts on the skin side. Grease should slowly escape and the skin should become crispy. Turn the duck breasts and cook in the oven at 90° C circulating air to approx. 54-55° C in the core. Allow to rest. Then halve lengthwise and sprinkle with seasoning salt.

Marinated Brussels Sprouts Leaves

Marinate blanched Brussels sprouts with walnut oil, a splash of white wine, honey vinegar, sea salt, a pinch of sugar and ground pepper.

Arrange all products together with the marinated Brussels sprouts and the sliced ​​Opal® Apple slices. Garnishing: Duck Liver Mushroom.

Foto© Philipp Sedlacek 2017

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