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Banana couscous salad

Banana couscous salad

Do you know the problem? We love certain dishes so much that we seem to cook them over and over again. For us, this is the case with couscous salad. We’ve always eaten it with colourful vegetables. But as is turns out, if you always use the same recipe – you can no longer stand the sight of it. Searching for new inspiration, we found a recipe with banana. What can we say? Actually trying something is much more to the point than studying it! The tropical sweetness in the couscous salad is not just a delicious change – you just can’t get enough! For anyone who loves a fresh new breeze, here’s the recipe:

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 300g SanLucar Bananas
  • 2 tablespoons juice from a SanLucar Lime
  • Salt
  • 320g instant couscous
  • 1 tbsp SanLucar Olive Oil
  • SanLucar Tarragon


For the Banana Couscous Salad, bring 440ml salt water to a boil, add couscous, mix in the oil, set aside and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the bananas, dice and drizzle with the lemon juice. Finely chop the tarragon. Mix 2/3 of the bananas and half of the tarragon mix into the couscous. If you like lime, you can also cut half a lime and add it to the mix. Spread the couscous on the plates and spread the rest of banana and tarragon over it. Lamb tastes fantastic with this. Bon Appetit! 🙂