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Crunchy apple chips

Crunchy apple chips

If children get fruit and vegetables on their plate, they often assume that healthy food can’t taste good. We see it a little differently 😉 That’s why we want to convince even the youngest of kids how delicious our fruits are! It does not take much, only a few specialised recipes – and we’ve got the answer! One of these is our Crunchy Apple Chips. Because their crispy texture and their sweetness doesn’t only win us adults over, but children’s hearts, too! Here is the recipe:


  • 150ml water
  • 150g sugar
  • 2 SanLucar Golden Delicious Apples


Dissolve the sugar completely in 150ml of boiling water. Steep the apple slices for 2 minutes in the hot sugar solution. Then place on a baking sheet and allow to dry in a preheated oven at 120° C for about an hour. Remove the apple chips from the baking paper and leave to cool. Bon appetit!