Orange iceberg salad with bell peppers.
- 3 SanLucar orangen
- 1 SanLucar Iceberg lettuce head
- 2 red SanLucar bell peppers
- ½ SanLucar lemon
- Fresh SanLucar thyme
- 50 ml SanLucar Arbequina olive oil
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- Salt and pepper
- Peel the oranges and divide into sections.
- Wash the bell peppers and cut into strips.
- Carefully clean lettuce leaves and place in a bowl.
- Place the orange sections and bell peppers on the salad.
- Mix in oil, honey, mustard, salt, pepper and thyme.
- Add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
- Pour the dressing over the salad and decorate with thyme. Bon Appetit!