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Freshness kick for hot summer days!


Here comes the sun in the glass.
Whether as a fresh energy kick, delicious fountain of health or fruity vitamins cocktail, fruits are natural and delicious all-rounders. Have a drink and get in a good mood!

Best nutrition for best-agers

To stay healthy and feel good, older people should provide their bodies with all the essential nutrients and make sure [...]

Best nutrition for best-agers

Vodka melon smoothie

Summertime is party time: you have already organized the barbecue, the side dishes and salads, the table decorations and the [...]

Vodka melon smoothie

Refreshing peach sangria

White wine spritzer, Aperol-Spritz, Hugo – they all taste very delicious. But you can surprise your guests with a Spanish [...]

Refreshing peach sangria

Tangy & fresh: Lemonade

Spring has arrived in Germany. The weather frog has climbed the shoots and hopefully has finally thrown off its winter [...]

Tangy & fresh: Lemonade