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Out into the snow – with our hot Citrus Delight.

Out into the snow – with our hot Citrus Delight.

I have just the right thing if you want to make a snow trip with your family at the weekend. Just fill our »Hot Citrus Delight« in the thermos and take off on the sleigh! Here in the blog, you will find even more delicious lemon recipes for all temperatures and occasions. Have a try!



  • 1 litre of apple juice
  • 1 litre of grape juice
  • 2 SanLucar lemons
  • 1 SanLucar juice orange
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Nutmeg


Cut the lemon into slices. Bring the apple juice, grape juice, freshly squeezed orange juice and spices together with the lemon slices to a boil in a large pan. Boil for approx. 20 minutes and enjoy hot.