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Buttermilk mousse with strawberries

Buttermilk mousse with strawberries

Do you feel the same, too? Pure strawberries or on a cake or as jam – you just can just never get enough of them. How nice that the berries are back in season again! And how great that there are so many delicious strawberry recipes. Here, SanLucar Strawberries top off a delicate buttermilk mousse with their delicious summer fragrance. Our mouths are already watering.


  • 250 ml of buttermilk
  • 50 ml juice of a SanLucar Lemon
  • 50 ml of lime syrup
  • 60 g of powdered sugar
  • 3 leaves of gelatine
  • 150 ml of cream
  • 350 g SanLucar Strawberries
  • 4 tbsp of rapeseed oil
  • 1 tbsp of honey
  • 1 bunch of mint
  • 2 tbsp of macadamia nuts 


Wash and halve the strawberries. Then soak the gelatine leaves in cold water, after 2-3 minutes this should be soft enough and can be removed from the water again. Now heat the pressed gelatine with the lemon juice, stirring until the gelatine has completely dissolved. Add the lime syrup, powdered sugar and buttermilk, mix this all together and allow to cool for a few minutes. As soon as the mass begins to gel through cooling, the cream can be whipped until firm and carefully folded in. Cool the finished mousse for at least 3 hours. And for the Nut Pesto, chop the nuts, roast them in a pan without oil until golden yellow and allow them to cool. Mix with oil, honey and mint leaves in the blender into a pesto.

Spread 2-3 tablespoons of strawberries over a flat plate, contrast with a spoon of buttermilk mousse by placing it centrally on the strawberries. Decorate with the Nut Pesto and have a try. Bon appetit!