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Colourful langoustine dream

Colourful langoustine dream

You’ll get plenty of »Wows« from your guests with this elegant appetizer. Because the horsd’oeuvre by Star Chef Rolf Straubinger is a true work of art, from both a culinary and visually point of view! A delicate langoustine meets fine exotic melons matched with wasabi purée and yogurt sauce. Below, we reveal what you’ll need to handle the cooking spoon like a pro and create the heavenly palate-pleaser.

Serves 4 people as a starter
4 large deep-sea langoustines (cracked and skewered from top to bottom)
8 cubes marinated SanLucar Watermelons
12 balls of marinated SanLucar Cavallion Melon
8 cubes of pea chiboust
60g of pea-wasabi-cream
50g of lime vinaigrette
60g of langoustine froth soup
40g yoghurt
20g dried yoghurt crisp

Peas Chiboust Basic Recipe

250ml of milk
20g Mondamin (mix until smooth with 20g milk)
6 sheets of gelatine (soaked)
80g egg yolk
250g pea puree (see recipe)
½ SanLucar Lemon (juice and peel)
Wasabi, ginger water
140g egg whites (with 10g sugar, whipped to a froth)
Sea salt, sugar

Bring the milk, the sea salt and the sugar to a boil, remove from the heat, stir in the egg yolk quickly, add gelatine and place in a bowl. Add the pea puree and allow to cool. Season with lemon, wasabi, ginger juice and sugar.

When cooled, fold in the whipped egg whites. Fill into moulds and freeze. Cut in a frozen state, let thaw and serve.

Marinated Watermelon
1 SanLucar Watermelon cut the into cubes
(Edge length 1.5 cm / remove all seeds)
2 limes (grated zest and juice)
40g brown sugar
50g grenadine
15g rose water
20 leaves of mint
Coarse sea salt

Mix the melon cubes with all the ingredients, vacuum pack and let them stand for at least 2 hours.

Marinated Cavaillon Melon
1 Cavaillon Melon (punched into small balls)
1 lemon (grated zest and juice)
25g Monin melon syrup from
Sea salt

Mix the melon balls with all the ingredients, vacuum them, and leave them for at least 2 hours.

Sweet Lime Vinaigrette – Basic Recipe

100g of lime juice
70g sugar syrup 1: 1
100g mild olive oil
Hot pepper
½ lime (peel)
Sea salt

Mix the lime juice with all ingredients except the oil. Mix in the oil in a thin stream with the magic wand, until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Recipe Yogurt Cream – Basic recipe
250g Greek yogurt (10% fat)
20g powdered sugar
1 pinch of piment d’espelette
½ organic lime (zest, grated)
Sea salt

A bit of juice
Mix all the ingredients together and fill into a squeeze bottle (for plate decoration).

Pea Cream with Wasabi – Basic Recipe

500g frozen peas in plenty of salt water blanched until soft
(skin must be soft)
150g of milk 1.5% fat
150g cream
20g white onions in strips
50g of butter
15g parsley (washed and plucked)

Melt the butter the and sauté the onions before they turn colour. Add the cream and milk and slowly reduce by about ½. Add the blanched peas to this reduction and bring to boil once with parsley. Then mix finely in the Thermomix, adding sugar and wasabi to taste.


Fry the langoustines till glassy, perhaps use a Bunsen burner for a second to give them colour. Combine with all the ingredients and serve decoratively with afila cress.

Foto© Philipp Sedlacek 2017

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