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Summery melon tomato salad

Summery melon tomato salad

Spring kept us waiting this year. And the summer will probably come late, as well. That’s why it’s time to get the sun on the plate. Here’s just the right recipe for this: Take a sweet honeydew melon and a few aromatic tomatoes – and the fruity and refreshing melon tomato salad is ready. Almost at least ;-). Because it depends on the choice of the right tomatoes, of course: they must be cutting-firm and naturally aromatic. Like our Rubin Tomatoes.


  • 1 half Piel de Sapo Melon
  • 300 g of Rubin Tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider
  • Salt & pepper


Slice the melon fruit flesh in small pieces and quarter the Rubin Tomatoes. Finely chop the onion. Pour all the ingredients into a bowl, sprinkle over the sugar and season with vinegar, salt and pepper. If desired, refine with fresh herbs (for example basil). Bon Appetit!