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Baked zucchini rolls

Baked zucchini rolls

A small healthy vegetable snack as a side dish or appetizer

Everybody knows this situation: the menu has been chosen, but somehow a tasty eye-catcher is missing – a small side dish to accompany the meat or a starter as an appetizer? That’s how we came across this recipe: Baked Zucchini Rolls.

Ingredients for 4 people):

  • 1 SanLucar red Bell Pepper
  • 1 SanLucar eggplant
  • 3 SanLucar Zucchinis
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 5 tablespoons SanLucar Olive Oil
  • Fresh SanLucar Herbs: Thyme, Basil and Rosemary
  • Salt and pepper as coarse as possible
  • Toothpicks


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Wash the bell peppers and cut into fine strips. Wash the eggplant and zucchini, to. Cut the eggplant into very thin slices. Divide large slices in the middle. Cut the zucchinis into 5-6 strips, lengthwise.

Peel the garlic and finely chop together with the herbs. Mix garlic and herbs with the olive oil and generously season with salt and pepper.

Brush the bell pepper and eggplant with the herbal oil. Place two thin slices of eggplant on a slice of zucchini, spread the bell pepper strips on this and roll it up. Affix with a toothpick and spread the herbal oil from the outside. Bake for about 8 minutes. Ready.

My tip: The rolls can also be placed on the grill and taste excellent with grilled meat.

I especially like them when I add a piece of Mozzarella cheese.