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Sweet Avocado Spread

Sweet Avocado Spread

We can never get enough of the creamy and mildly aromatic avocados, known as butter fruits. They are delicious to spoon out and eat pure, in salads or as guacamole. Most people know the spicy version of guacamole, but here we’re going to show you how to make a sweet breakfast spread that not only tastes heavenly, but is also very healthy.

1 ripe SanLucar Avocado
5 SanLucar Dates
1 SanLucar Lemon
2 small cups natural yoghurt (unsweetened)

Mix the ripe avocado, yoghurt and chopped dates until creamy. Squeeze out half a lemon and add to the cream – a little more or less depending on your taste. The juice gives the cream a fresh taste and prevents the fruit flesh from turning brown. Finally season to taste with a little honey. Put the spread on toasted white bread and then: yummmy!

The cream is, of course, also suitable for small snacks. So instead of white bread, you can use small tartlets.
If you some of the spread is left over, which we can’t imagine, you can keep it well-sealed in the fridge for a few days. The lemon juice ensures light preservation.

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