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Homemade smoothies

Homemade smoothies

They are the perfect vitamin bomb for the wet season, the kids love the sweet taste and preparation is very easy. And all you need is some fresh fruit and a blender.

Ingredients (for 6 – 8 persons):

  • 2 SanLucar Apples, fruity-sweet category
  • 250 g SanLucar Paradise Grapes
  • 2 SanLucar Eating Oranges
  • 500 g SanLucar Strawberries
  • 250 g of SanLucar Cherries


Cut apples into small pieces, remove grapes from stems, cut the oranges into slices, pit the cherries, remove the stem base from the strawberries. Mix all the ingredients in a medium-sized blender. Add to the glass and, if desired, decorate with fresh SanLucar mint. Ready!

Sweet tip:

If the juice is too thick for you or your children, dilute it with a little mineral water or fruit juice. In the case of juices, make sure that they are prepared without sugar addition and not from concentrate.

Be experimental and create your own favourite smoothie with new combinations!