Sweet love as big as an apricot!

Our fruit expert Wil Lemmer has a great passion. “Even as a little boy, I loved apricots. They look tender, but when you bite into them, they taste very much like summer,” Wil gushes and laughs out loud. How nice that the South African could make his passion his profession. He travels to the best apricot growers in the world to find the most delicious varieties for SanLucar. They have to be sweet, juicy, intensely tasty and beautifully large.

He has planted different varieties on the farms Fenazar, Librilla and Agramon near Murcia. He has been observing these farms for several years. Are the trees developing well? How is their flowering going? Are you thriving? What does the fruit look like? He has already shortlisted four varieties for 2018.

Two smiling farmers standing in a lush apricot orchard, surrounded by ripe, golden fruit and vibrant green leaves.
Lush fruit tree laden with ripe red plums, set against a bright blue sky in a sunlit orchard.

“They all have a lot of potential,” he says happily and picks an almost apple-sized apricot from the tree.

“But we have other great apricots!” At Finca Librilla, he has planted a new promising variety. This year, the trees are expected to bear their first fruit. “I can hardly wait,” confesses Wil, who has long since influenced us with his great love for the delicate fruits. Harvest time is from April to September and we are very sure: This will be a delicious apricot summer!

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