What’s shining so brightly? Our persimmons!

In the fall, not only our sun-ripened oranges and mandarins shine from the trees on our plantations in southern Spain, but now also our deliciously sweet persimmons.

The fruit grows and thrives in Spain, particularly in the Valencia region. The soil there is fertile and the microclimate ideal. But it’s not just the weather that makes our Rojo Brillante persimmons – which means bright red – so delicious. Our master growers nurture and care for the fruit with a great deal of passion and expertise. They regularly prune the trees so that the persimmons get plenty of sun and become beautifully sweet and aromatic.

Fresh, ripe kaki persimmons with vibrant orange hues showcasing premium, sweet produce.
Fresh, ripe kaki persimmons with vibrant orange hues, showcasing premium, sweet produce.

After many hours of warm sunshine, we carefully harvest the persimmons by hand and select only the very best ones in several rounds after harvesting. Even if they are still firm, they can be eaten like an apple.They have already developed their full, sweet aroma and taste heavenly of pear and apricot with a hint of vanilla. If you prefer the fruit to be soft and creamy, simply leave it for a while – preferably with apples. They give off ethylene gas, which makes the fruit ripen faster. But whether the fruit is firm or soft, we are looking forward to a bright persimmon fall.

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