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Red like love

When it comes to good taste, we have a clear concept. Some like their tomato sweeter, others bigger and firmer, and still others spicier and more flavorful. That’s why we have ten different tomato varieties, so that everyone can find just the right tomato for themselves all year round.

Tomato Commercial »Fragrant«

Tomato Commercial »Fragrant«


From November to May, our tomatoes come from our Tunisian oasis “El Hamma”, where a warm thermal spring bubbles at more than 60 °C. Irrigation of the fruits with the unique mineral mix from the spring provides extra flavor and the intense Tunisian sun makes them turn extraordinary sweet.


But the conditions here are not only a dream for tomatoes. Our employees, pickers and their families also feel very happy with us. We pay them fairly, provide their children with the school materials they need, and sponsor scholarships for university. In 2021, the Tunisian government awarded us the prestigious “Social Progress” prize for this.

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In the summer months we harvest diligently our German tomatoes. Here in the Rhineland, we have perfect growing conditions with plenty of sunshine, and our master growers pamper the fruit with love and experience. “We prune the plants carefully and regularly, so that the power goes into the fruit rather than the shoots,” explains picker Anna. “That way they also get more sun, and that’s what makes them so flavorful delicious and healthy.”

We rely on natural pest control such as beneficial insects, scent traps or biological means, because if everything interacts perfectly in nature, then it requires nothing more.
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In the Spanish province of Almeria – even in autumn – it’s still warm enough to take in a pleasant sunbath. The tomatoes grown here are juicy and flavorful. We focus on environmentally friendly growing methods, such as “drip irrigation”. So, we save 30 to 60 percent of water compared to other traditional irrigation methods. But collected rainwater is also used!

No wonder our tomatoes find such agreement to people and the environment alike.
Tomaten5 copia
Tomaten5 copia

Fruit customer...

From November to May, our aromatic tomatoes come from our Tunisian oasis, in the summer months […]


Country of origin:

From November to May, our aromatic tomatoes come from our Tunisian oasis, in the summer months from Germany and Holland.


For full flavour, the ripening fruits are best kept where they get both air and shade. They’ll keep two or three days and will give you a delicious, sweet treat. If you can avoid doing so, you shouldn’t put them in the fridge. But if you must, put them in the vegetable drawer and they’ll remain fresh for about one week and take them out 30 minutes before eating.


Tips and special features:

Mediterranean cuisine without tomatoes? Unimaginable. At the University of Catalonia (UOC), it has been found that only one tomato meets 40% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. Because of its high water content, it tastes wonderfully refreshing and contains – in addition to other vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus – the plant pigment lycopene. This provides it with its bright red colour and – according to UOC – is a natural antioxidant with positive healthy properties. Most of this, by the way, is in its skin. And how nice that SanLucar has such a wide range of choices for snacking, indulging and cooking.


Like most solanaceae, tomatoes originate in South America. The Aztecs cultivated them and gave them their name. The Aztec name “tomatle” became the tomato. Although the Spaniards brought them to Europe after their first discoveries, they did not become part of standard cuisine until the 19th century. In Germany they became popular at the end of the 19th century and were considered an important and healthy food supplement during the First World War.

Vitamina A (mg/100g) 0.7 mg
Vitamina B (mg/100g) 1.7 mg
Vitamina C (mg/100g) 19.3 mg
Vitamina E (mg/100g) 1.6 mg
Potasio (mg/100g) 235 mg
Magnesio (mg/100g) 11 mg
©Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel 3.02



Taste as tender as their name. The small, delicate delight for in between meals.



Particularly aromatic in a salad. With their tangy and firm flesh, they enhance every type of salad.



A celebration for both the palate and stomach, our joyfully sweet Fiesta mix for snacking.



The pure juicy-sweet pleasure. The sun for savouring and tasting.



So deliciously sweet that they give you a »smack«! No wonder they melt in your mouth.



Take the sun with you and sweeten the day. Our crispy little fresh treat for the road.



Our especially tangy and aromatic secret ingredient for everyone with a passion for cooking.



Irrigated with a unique mix of mineral and harvested with a unique spice-intense aroma.



Black on the outside, sweet on the inside and exceptionally flavorful! Our fruity and juicy delicacy from the Spanish natural park Cabo de Gata is perfect for Mediterranean salads.
