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DREAMS Magazin

We documented our commitments related to the DREAMS programme in this publication. That includes everything related to the different social and environmental projects in Austria, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Germany, South Africa, Spain & Tunisia.

SanLucar’s Code of Ethics

national Labour Organisation) guidelines. We, as well Our code of ethics is based on the ten principles of the Global Compact and ILO (Interas all our growers and suppliers, are committed to adhering to the code. It covers topics such as child protection, equality, fair working conditions, health and safety, and environmental protection.

Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report outlines and reviews SanLucar’s results across social, labor, environmental and Corporate Governance issues, as well as aspects of the company’s structure. The document is based on the recommendations and requirements elaborated by the Global Compact and Law 11/2018, and also details the commitment acquired with the signing of its 10 principles.